
The Royal Gate.JPG


MYDC0266.JPGSince the history is already 500 years old. A detailed version is available at the Genealogy site from my Please click the button below.


Sishu Singha/ Viswa Singha was proclaimed the first Raikut and was honored with the hereditary chief minister and head man of the family. He was made the 1st Raikut by his younger brother Bisu Singh as because he had promised to the wife of Bisu Singh, to give the throne to his younger brother. At the time of coronation his elder brother Sisu Singh held the Umbrella over his younger brother head and as a gesture his younger brother Bisu Singh made his brother Raikut meaning head man of the family and the hereditary Chief Minister. His brother also awarded Sisu Singh the Baikunthapur Raj Estate for Ruling. As for his residence he was given the land of Baikunthapur (under present Jalpaiguri district of west Bengal). The Raikat kings of Jalpaiguri were his descendants. Apart from being a grand king Maharaja Viswa Singha was also a good administrator as well. He invaded Soumarpith, Bijni, Bidyagram and Bijaypur and turned out victorious. Next he attacked Bhutan where on facing defeat came to terms with the king of Bhutan. After that he attacked Gour. Hossain Shah was then ruling Gour and Sikander Lodhi (1489-1517 A.D.) was the Sultan of Delhi. Viswa Singha won over major portions of Gour. His grandeur was further supported by his three brave sons. On his mother’s request he shifted his capital from Chikna mountains to Hingulabas in the plains. This is evident from ‘Hingulacoat’ to the north of Mahakalguri village within Alipurduar of today. Viswa Singha was a great benevolent king. During his reign Muslim invaders attacked Kamrup many times but after facing defeat they were forced to retreat. In 1532 A.D. Turukh Khan was defeated while attacking Assam.

Manika Dev Raikut was the second Raikut.

Mariti Dev Raikut was the Third Raikut He had several sons among whom his eldest son became the ruler of Baikunthapur Raj Estate.

Shiv Dev Raikut was the Fourth Raikut and His sons could not inherit the Baikunthapur Raj Estate as because of the ground of illegitimacy. Therefore his brother Mahadev inherited the throne. Maha Dev Raikut was the Fifth Raikut  

He was the 5th Raikut and also helped the Maharajas of Cooch Behar from the Bhutias Army from Invading.

Bhuj Dev Raikut was the Sixth Raikut He had no successors for Raikutship. Therefore the title went to Jaga Deb/ Joy Deb who was his younger brother. His death was about 1687

Jaga Dev Raikut was the Seventh Raikut He helped the Maharajas of Cooch Behar from the Bhutias Army from Invading the area.

Bishnu Dev Raikut was the Eight’s Raikut (1687-1709) As Bishnu Dev Raikut was the 8th Raikut in Succession, and none of his sons got the chance of being a ruler of Baikunthapur Raj Estate as because of his younger brother Dharma Deb Raikut. Therefore the conclusion is simply that Dharma Deb Raikut orchestrated in such a clever manner as to completely suppress the heirs of Bishnu Dev Raikut as to become the ruler himself.

Dharma Dev Raikut was the Ninth Raikut (1709-1724)